Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Prasanthi Sadhu

Prasanthi Sadhu

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Prasanthi Sadhu Editor, Asian Hospitals and Healthcare Management

“With digital transformation, the consumer, rather than the technology, is in the driver’s seat, and this matters.” – Forbes

Digital transformation has been the buzz word across industries the world over. Healthcare as a sector has been relying on technology to provide better care in an efficient and effective manner. Technology has revolutionised the

“With digital transformation, the consumer, rather than the technology, is in the driver’s seat, and this matters.” – Forbes

Digital transformation has been the buzz word across industries the world over. Healthcare as a sector has been relying on technology to provide better care in an efficient and effective manner. Technology has revolutionised the relationship between care givers, patients and the health systems, enabling healthcare providers offer accurate care with great impact.

EMRs and telemedicine were the buzzwords a few years ago. Now we are talking about wearables, artificial intelligence, surgical robots, big data and machine learning etc. The advent of technologies such as cloud, Internet of Things has led to a disruption in the sector. Interestingly, this disruption is caused by behavioural changes with modern day patients looking for choice of care and control over the same.

Over the last few years, the healthcare sector has begun to focus on creating better patient outcomes through a shift from volume to value-based care. The sector has been trying to catchup with other industries to lay focus on customer-centricity. According to World Health Statistics 2015 by the World Health Organization (WHO), life expectancy of a child born in 2013 is seven years more than a child born 25 years prior. Understandably, technology has played a key role in improving life expectancy through better care.

Healthcare organisations and care givers have at their disposal enormous patient data, which can be analysed to serve patients better and focus on continuous improvement. Realising the goal of digital transformation in the sector would be possible when healthcare providers and companies rethink business processes. Digital transformation is way beyond just use of various technologies. It’s about making patients the key stakeholders in managing their health. For organisations, it’s about being patient-centric, focusing on patient needs, and leveraging latest technologies and innovations to help patients lead their lives better. Engaging patients at every stage of care giving helps achieve desired outcome of improved health.

The cover story “Digital Transformation of Healthcare - Benefiting medical profession” by SB Bhattacharyya, Founder & CEO, BC2RI LLP discusses the digital transformation of healthcare accrues various benefits to the medical profession and the professionals.

--Issue 42--